Revenge Chess beta

Actual tutorial coming later, so here's the basic gist: Tutorial now in game!


  • Piece movement is the same as in chess, including castling, en passant, and promotion
  • Whenever a piece captures another, it adds it to its list of captures
  • Whenever a piece gets captured, all pieces in its list of captures are returned to the board in their starting locations
  • If another piece is in the way of a respawn, then it gets captured by the respawning piece, even if they're the same color!
  • Since there's situations where a king can be captured and immediately respawn (can you figure out how?) there is no check
  • Various effects of there being no check/checkmate include: castling can be done through danger, pawns can promote to kings, the win condition is to leave your opponent with no kings left


  • Play against AI
  • Play online (there is no official server; you can run your own, see the Github link below)
  • Custom color schemes
  • Save/load boards
  • Open Source under the Apache Licence 2.0, you can find the code on Github here!

Development log

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